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Manufacturing process

Craftsmanship, modernity, innovation and prestige come together in the Chillón Plaza de Toro Cheese Factory: 4 ingredients in which those who come to visit our facilities and taste our products can participate. But if you still have not been able to do so, go to our virtual tour.


Chillón Plaza Cheese Factory manufactures every day the sheep cheese that has become recognized with the International Quality Award 1999 received at the Alimentaria de Barcelona. At 9 in the morning, everything is ready to begin the process of emptying and filtering the milk that has previously been collected in Toro and towns in the area. The photo on the right shows the reception room of such precious raw material: the sheep’s milk from the region, the milk that offers our cheeses the intense flavor and aftertaste that only Chillón’s artisan hands can guarantee. The room is equipped with two tanks of 10,000 liters each, a basin of ice water, a self-de-slurry skimmer and a whey tank. In this reception there is also the laboratory where milk is analyzed daily and where Queserías Chillón Plaza ensures the quality of the raw material.


Queserías Chillón Plaza makes the cheese with sheep’s milk in a natural and artisan, following the tradition inherited from our ancestors. Once the milk is sanitized and filtered, it goes to the tank where it is heated until it reaches a maximum temperature of 34ºC. At this time the animal rennet is added and in this way, after 25 minutes, the milk has gone from the liquid state to solidify in the form of curd. Next, the molds are automatically filled. The pressing process awaits freshly manufactured cheeses In which they will stay for 8 hours to be subsequently taken to the salting room . The production room is equipped with the most modern control and hygiene systems without losing the identity of the initial product , which is why we continue to offer a cheese made from raw sheep’s milk with a unbeatable flavor .


The salting process is achieved in an original way based on the experience gained over past generations and which has been perfected with greater rigor and accuracy every day. Until reaching the total balance in grams of salt for each kilo of cheese. In this way, Chillón Cheese, at any time of the year, stands out for its original flavor , exquisite and unique, without being at the expense of salt hindering any of the properties that Chillón has been achieving with all your effort. In this room, and submerged in the salt pools, they stay up to 24 hours.


Ripening is a process in which Queserías Chillón Plaza pampers its products with special care , controlling the degree of humidity and aeration of its cellars to obtain rindless cheese , a of the most important achievements that Chillón has put on the market and of which it is a pioneer. During maturation, Chillón has discovered the large amount of aromas and flavors that develop its sheep cheeses . The preservation process continues with the same care as the maturation, although subjected to a temperature that oscillates between 4-7ºC. During all this time of maturation and conservation, the Chillón masters take care of their product by impregnating with several coats of olive oil , which in addition to guaranteeing correct curing, manifests a traditional and colorful presentation.


The expedition process is the last phase controlled by Queserías Chillón Plaza. Here we proceed to the weighing and labeling of each of the pieces already prepared for sale, taking care that each batch that leaves the factory is transported in refrigerated trucks that ensure continuity in the supply chain. cold in which the cheeses have matured and been preserved .